Little Sister Lila

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The other day when Sol and I were unfortunately having an argument in front of the kids (or more accurately, I was having a one-sided argument while Sol was listening), Lila interrupted and said "Mommy, why are you doing this?" And she did her best impression of a mad face and kind of jumped up and down. I don't know if I was literally jumping up and down because I was mad, but as soon as Lila said this in her two-year old squeaky Lila voice, I just couldn't be that angry anymore.

Lila has always had that rare ability to make someone laugh at any moment, even when they think they're really in a bad mood. It really makes it hard for me and Sol to get upset with her for very long. When she's not annoying HJ by being a typical little sister, even HJ finds herself laughing at the silly and funny things Lila says and does.

Though Lila's vocabulary has been growing by leaps and bounds lately, probably due to all the "speech therapy" and "school" that HJ forces her to participate in, she still is a two-year old who sometimes says two-year old things. For example, she still has her own way of pronouncing some more difficult words, such as saying, "I have eczemint" (eczema) on my hands" or "I need a princess vitamint" (vitamin). Her teacher "Miss Michelle," is "Miss Mishelf" and "For a while," is "For a wild" in Lila's world. When she wants Mommy to hold her tight, it's always, "Mommy, I'm falling! Hold me with three hands!" or when she's feeling like she's growing up a little bit too fast, "I just want to be tiny..."

When I do see how quickly she's growing up, and when I realize she may be in preschool five days a week in the fall, I definitely start getting slightly nostalgic for the baby days. Especially seeing so many of our friends having their second or third kids lately, it sometimes makes me a little bit sad to think that those days are behind us. A little bit sad, but not enough to actually think that we can handle another kid at this point in our lives! Whenever we ask Lila if she wants a baby brother or sister, she usually is very enthusiastic in saying yes. It's probably because she has no idea that it would mean she's no longer the baby of the family. HJ, who knows better, always says an emphatic no. She's happy the way things are, and for now at least, I think we all are too...


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